Round 3: Fire On The Summit! |
After round 3, there was no lossless team. Azerbaijan lost young India team and made everything mixed.

TURKEY: 0,5 - 3,5 :ARMENIA
One of the champion favorite Armenia, beat youngest team of the championship, Turkey , 3,5-0,5. Good result of Turkish team was IM Erdogdu's drew against the super grandmaster Aronian and made his team and supporters happy!

After the round 2, there was a only undefeated team Azerbaijan. But Young India team beat them with first two boards weapons and mixed the summit.

RUSSIA :3 - 1 :USA
After the Greece match, Russia early waked up the nightmare. Defeat the strong USA team and start the fight, to top again.

EGYPT: 2,5 - 1,5 :GREECE
Last round's shining team Greece, can't fight against the Egypt team. Young weapons GM Adly and GM Amin, aroused the Greek members to thier sweet dream.

ISRAEL: 2,5 - 1,5 :BRAZIL
GM Gelfand's fast won makes everything easy to Israel members. And three draw was enougt to defeat Brazilian team. Israel continue to follow summit fight.